Pledge Information

Please consider donating whatever you can afford to one of the three charities l hike/bike for. They are described on the charities page. This time I have 3 different options for you to participate.

  1. You can donate today via credit card. Sun Dial has set up a PayPal account and I have personalized donation pages through K9’s For Warriors and Boston Children’s Hospital. This makes it much easier for the charities to track and it’s also a bit easier for me. If you would prefer sending a check, fill in the pledge form below and note in comments. I will get address to you but it might not be until I’m finished riding!

2. Buy Just Pete a Bud. You can go to my venmo account (@Jeff-Peterson-116) and buy me a Budweiser. Consider a Bud to be $4. I promise that whatever is donated through here will be split amongst the 3 charities. I’m hoping a yet to be named beer company will step up and participate. I think this will be fun. Just remember it takes a lot of Buds to ride 5,000 miles.

3. For those who need to see it to believe it, you can still pledge per mile. Just fill in the form below and click on submit button at bottom. Double check your math when pledging. We’ll base it on 5,000 miles so $0.01/mile will be $50. I’ll get back to you when I finish in Key West.

Charity (if you would like to donate to more than one, please complete this form for each charity you choose)(required)

Thanks for your support!