Day 49 Cape Girardeau, MO to Ullin, IL 34 Miles (3011 total miles)

Decided to take Gerty in for a checkup this morning. She got a new rear tire. Original was pretty worn. Also got a couple water bottles and aero bars. You can lean on your forearms. Hoping it will take some stress off my hands.

Had been thinking about getting them for 2400 miles. Jury is still out. Takes some getting used to. Small movements are big turns. Basically steering with shoulders vs arms.

Didn’t get out of bike shop and back on route until almost noon. Shop was busy but they were good about fitting me in.

Crossed the Mississippi for final time. Back into IL.

The scenery was better today. In the flats looking up at the hills.

Hadn’t seen any corn for a while.

There was a good chance for rain late this afternoon. I got lightly rained on for the last 45 minutes. Decided to call it a day. Would have had to go another 40+ miles.

My back was sore again today. Starting to be a nuisance. Not happy.

I’m doing a bit of a detour from my original plan tomorrow. Basically avoiding riding 15 miles east to come back 15 miles west. I’ll miss taking a ferry across some river but I don’t really care! I’ll take a bridge across.

Working on a new goal between here and Key West. Need something intermediate to push me and keep me moving. It’s going to be difficult to put together but I’m hopeful. It will be super incredibly cool if I can pull it off. Stay tuned!

Ride on.

Just Pete

17 thoughts on “Day 49 Cape Girardeau, MO to Ullin, IL 34 Miles (3011 total miles)

  1. Listen to your body and take a day or two off!! you can do it. We had a fun dinner with Kris this past Tuesday!
    xo mary and bill


  2. Morning Pete. Happy Sunday! I can’t imagine what could possibly be more incredibly cool and amazing that what you are already doing! But, looking forward to reading about it. BTW, I have been sharing your postings with a couple of my family members, and if I don’t say anything for a day or two, they will ask … how’s Pete doing? Anyway brother, continue taking good care of Gerty and yourself. Be safe. Peace be with you.


  3. Thanks for letting us ride along with you Jeff! You’re out there doing what most of us dream about. You da man!


  4. 3000 miles. Few people can say they have gone 3000 miles continuously. Great work!! We are all pulling for you. You are averaging over 60 miles a day which is a good pace. Glad you are taking care of Gert😊. Safe travels. Don


  5. Jeff if you haven’t already, google some back stretches to do before you set out every morning!
    I love reading about your journey every morning. Keep going Jeff!


  6. Yaaay, Gerty got a new back tire, and I’ll bet the aero bars will definitely help your hands. Just takes some getting used to. We’ll be looking forward to your upcoming plans. Each day is closer to your goal! Ride on, be safe, and God’s Speed!


  7. I’m happy you’re taking care of yourself and Gerty! How about a new tent? I can’t wait to hear about what you’re orchestrating for the next part of this incredible journey 🚴. We’ll be there to ride on and enjoy right along with you!!!


  8. Cherish your miles in God’s country (Illinois).

    Was googling to try and help you establish some intermediate goals along the way to Key West (imagine Fantasy Fest(October) is not the final destination motivator). Didn’t find a good one, but might have Gerty keep up the pace going through Missouri in case the ghost of Jesse James is continuing Jesse’s ways. Checked on Butch Cassidy’s whereabouts but learned he was from Utah. Also, learned he got his first name of “Butch” from the owner of a butcher(get it?) shop he worked in during his early years.

    Your travels are proving to not only be inspirational but also very educational for me! Ride on! They made a very successful movie about a man simply being stranded on an island with a volleyball (Wilson). Would seem like Gerty could upstage a volleyball with you as the storyteller? Just substitute the title of “Cast Away” for “Ride Away” or “Ride On” or something like that. Anyway, roll the cameras and ride on!!!!!


  9. Aero bars are a great thing, I love them. You will too and won’t take long to get used to. Just work up the miles, they put your back and neck in different positions than the handlebars. Your determination, perseverance, and stamina are more than impressive. Ride on, we love following along.


  10. Can’t wait to hear you’re new goal plan. I’m sure if anyone can pull it off you can. You’re amazing! Stay well, stay safe and ride on! Glad to hear you’re taking care of Gerty!


  11. Glad you restocked and hope the Aero bars give your body a different position to redistribute the pain a little bit. A learning curve I’m sure, but worth a try!
    It’s easy for me to say, sitting here in a chair, but when I look at a map of the US and see where you started and where you’re now at, you’ve really burned up a major portion of the trip — amazing!
    Hang in there; will be interested to hear what your intermediate goal is!


  12. Jeff – You are amazing – I can’t believe the FUN (ie Torture) you put your body through but you have strength and resilience and it is AWESOME! I’ve been following you all the way and you are in my thoughts and prayers! Keep up the good fight and stay safe! Everyone is rooting for you! Kristy Bonner


  13. Pete,
    How about this?
    You set it as your next goal to take a day or 2 off in the next and closest “interesting place”, where you can comfortably and securely park Gerty, and where you can hopefully get ‘refreshed’, physically and mentally, by focusing for a few days on something else than just pedaling.
    Just some rest, relaxation, recovery and some sightseeing, or just enjoying doing nothing to get the ‘fire’ back in the body.

    Berty & Victor


  14. Berty and Victor, good advice. Pete, the body is telling you to rest. Take the time to plan your next moves, enjoy the sights and know that we are all cheering you on. You got this. Ride On and Be Safe both physically and mentally.



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